Research Advisory Board

Terms of Reference

The RAB assists the SBS Swiss Business School to carry out its vision of being recognized globally as a leading research-intensive business school renowned for its students and staff, teaching quality, relevance and innovation.

The RAB support the SBS objectives to deliver excellent teaching and on its ability to:

  • Contribute to the bodies of knowledge that comprise the disciplines of business, management and economics
  • Leverage understanding of these bodies of knowledge so as to have an impact on the practice of management and the professions
  • Accept responsibility for developing future generations of business scholars and leaders
  • Establishing contact with other research centers in other higher education communities as part of the research network and visibility 

Mode of Operation

The RAB achieves its objectives by convening as a collective body twice per year and by breaking into such ad hoc committees and working parties as may be required from time to time.


Members are selected based upon their experience with their research area. The Board consists of the Head of Faculty, an elected Chair, the Head of the SBS Entrepreneurial Finance Center and selected members of the SBS Faculty. They are appointed for four years, with a prolongation of maximum two terms possible. The Board should not exceed five members.

Three external members are selected to increase the scope of the RAB.

Current Members

External Members

  • Ms. Tatjana Mavrenko, BA School, Riga
  • Dr. Rajesh Kumar, Senior Researcher (Finance), Chanakya University, India



RAB members are renown research academics in business and management who seek to facilitate the achievement of the SBS’s objectives by leveraging their academic and professional networks, profile, reputation, experience and influence to:

  1. To advise the Supervisory Board and Board of Directors on all matters relating to the research strategy of SBS Swiss Business School, to support the SBS research strategy and to support the Academic Dean and Supervisory Board in driving the strategy forward.
  2. To identify priority areas for research, to champion and promote research excellence and to stimulate SBS Faculty members to participate in research programs including joint partner programs, research conferences, and partner institution organized conferences.
  3. To set internal policy and monitor progress in response to external requirements, including Scopus and Web of Science peer-reviewed journals.
  4. To support and review the research output of the SBS research centers, the SBS Journal of Applied Research (JABR) and to monitor if the Faculty discusses their research findings with students and integrate it into the curriculum. To coordinate and share good practice to the Faculty.
  5. To monitor the research performance of the overall institution in terms of research quality, financial sustainability and research integrity.
  6. To receive bi-annual updates from the SBS research centers and the Faculty Board on areas where improvements could be made, where there are significant risks and/or where new opportunities might be pursued.
  7. To monitor the development of research policy agencies in Switzerland and international agencies.
  • Report to: Academic Dean, Supervisory Board
  • Invitations and minutes are made by the Chair. Reports are sent by the Chair.