Code of Ethics

SBS Swiss Business School > Code of Ethics

SBS Ethical Behavior

Personal integrity is the foundation of a successful educational environment. SBS Swiss Business School’s students are expected to engage in the highest ethical behavior. Without this orientation, the grades and degrees will lack value and meaning. We expect each SBS student to uphold the following standards of honesty, integrity and personal responsibility.

Students will not engage in dishonesty or misrepresentations.

Students will not commit plagiarism on any exam or assignment.

Students will not submit an exam or assignment written, developed or prepared by another person, entirely or in pieces without proper and honest referencing.

Students will not prevent or interfere with the learning process of others in the environment.

Students will not damage any SBS property.

Students respect SBS technology and infrastructure, as well as the green educational environment.

This text is created by the Faculty Academic Board with the full approval of the Supervisory Board.

Policy Statement on Harassment and Discrimination

SBS believes that Harassment pollutes the working and learning environment and has a detrimental effect upon the well being, health, confidence, morale and performance of those directly affected by such behavior or who are witness to it. SBS is committed to creating a working and learning environment free from Harassment and discrimination in which all staff, students and visitors to SBS are treated with dignity and respect. These principles are stated in the student handbooks and the Statute:
SBS promotes equal opportunities and shall exercise no discrimination on the grounds of political opinion, age, color, disability, ethnic or national origin, gender, marital status, race, religion or sexual orientation in the admission of students, or the appointment or promotion of staff or the awarding of any Degree, Diploma or Certificate.
The purpose of this Policy is to state SBS’s position on Harassment to raise awareness amongst SBS community of behavior that would be considered Harassment, and to provide guidance on informal and formal means of dealing with Harassment when it occurs.
  • “Harassment” shall mean harassment, bullying or victimization as defined in Part I, sections 3-8 of this Policy
  •  “Complainant” shall mean the person or group who make an allegation of Harassment
  • “Alleged Harasser” shall mean the person or group who are the subject of allegations of Harassment
  • “Friend” shall mean a registered student of SBS, a member of academic staff of SBS Swiss Business School

This Policy applies to all registered students of SBS, including those on part-time and distance programs, all members of staff, including honorary staff, and all visitors to SBS.

Copies of this Policy are available form from the Program Manager after enrollment.

If you believe that you have suffered any type of discrimination, harassment, or victimization as, or by, a member of our SBS community, we take this very seriously.

 We have the following procedures in place to deal with complaints.

  1. Students can raise complaints matter formally through the Student Complaints Procedure.
  2. Employees can raise complaints formally through the Grievance Procedure.
  3.  Any other disputes are handled by the Vice President.


SBS Fraud Policy

General Fraud Policy

SBS Swiss Business School will not tolerate any fraudulent behavior, and will investigate all instances of suspected fraud.

Should an investigation provide sufficient evidence to suggest that fraud has been committed, SBS Swiss Business School will refer the circumstances to the relevant authorities for the purposes of investigation and possible prosecution.

Degree and Qualification Fraud Policy

SBS Swiss Business School has a zero-tolerance policy on the fraudulent use of degrees and qualifications.

It is illegal for any person to falsely represent themselves as having received a degree from SBS Swiss Business School. According to Swiss Criminal Code Article 251, the forgery of a document is a criminal offense that can be prosecuted under criminal law and is punishable with imprisonment of up to five years or a monetary penalty per offense. SBS Swiss Business School reserves the right to file criminal charges against any individual who submits fraudulent documents in accordance with local and international laws.

Online Publication of Degrees

In order to protect the identity of our students and minimize the risk of degree fraud, it is strictly forbidden to publish copies and/or pictures of degrees obtained at SBS Swiss Business School on the internet. In case of a violation, SBS Swiss Business School will formally request the removal of the publication followed by legal actions against the offending party.

For SBS Swiss Business School, Zurich campus.