The SBS Quality Assurance Strategy (Chapter 2 – Quality Education Handbook) builds on the vision and mission of SBS and complies with legal requirements.
The goals of quality assurance are derived from the SBS Strategic Plan 2023-2025. The approach comprises stakeholder integration, continuous improvement, and outcome-based measurement.
The quality management system is integrated into the SBS Institutional and Academic Governance System.
SBS does external and internal quality assurance.
The vision and mission of SBS are positioning the institution as an internationally oriented tertiary education institution focusing on business education, applied research, and services.
The quality assurance strategy guides the activities in implementing the vision and mission.
SBS is based in Zurich, Switzerland, and operates internationally, providing teaching, research, and services. The Quality of assurance strategy is to secure compliance and the organization’s continuous improvement.
Switzerland is a European Higher Education Area member and subscribed to the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG, 2015).
SBS complies with the requirements as described in the Standards and Guidelines for Quality Assurance in the European Higher Education Area (ESG, 2015) as specified by the Swiss Accreditation Council in accordance with the Higher Education Act (HEdA).
In addition, SBS aims to comply with European and International Quality standards through a rigorous internal review process and a series of external reviews with accreditation bodies based in Switzerland, Great Britain, and the United States of America.
The main goals for Quality Assurance derive from the SBS Strategic Plan 2023-2025.
Key Success Factors (KSF) and Key Performance Indicators (KPI) are described there.
The five main categories are:
Specific requirements from program accreditation are partially included. Outcome-based goals and measures for the educational programs add to it.
The quality assurance and culture approach comprises stakeholder integration, continuous improvement, and outcome-based measurement.
The relevant stakeholder groups are the students, the faculty and staff, alumni, the business community, and the owners. They are represented in Boards and actively engage in the governance and quality assurance of the organization.
The continuous improvement process is modeled on the classic Deming PDSA quality cycle (W. Edwards Deming link Oct. 10, 2020). SBS`s Plan-Do-Study-Adapt, adapt instead of act, indicates a contemporary agile management approach that builds stakeholder trust.
SBS has an outcome-oriented, integrated Institutional and Academic Performance Management System. On the program level, qualitative and quantitative data for formative and summative assessments are gathered, analyzed, and used for improvements.