Dr. Günther Singer received his doctoral degree from the University of Klagenfurt (Austria) and did his Executive MBA with California State University Hayward, East Bay (USA).
Professor Singer specializes in human resource management, organizational development, and the accreditation of higher education institutions. He works internationally as an executive coach and consultant for companies and not-for-profit organizations. He teaches graduate and postgraduate courses and is a member of Advisory Boards.
In his career, Dr. Singer has held various positions: CEO, Academic Director, Dean, Executive Director for a European Institutional Accreditor for Higher Education, and Sales Manager. His association with SBS Swiss Business School dates to its founding days. He has served as Head of the Quality Education Board (07/2020 to 08/2024) and Head of Faculty(08/2021-07/2024). Currently, he teaches in doctoral and master’s programs at SBS.
Singer, G. (2022). Veränderungen der Arbeitswelt als Opportunität für Interim Manager [Changes in the world of work as an opportunity for interim managers]. In J. Becker, H. Schönfeld, & G. Singer (Eds.), Karriere-Handbuch für Interim Manager: Ein systematischer Leitfaden zum Erfolg als Freelancer im Management [Career handbook for interim managers: A systematic guide to success as a freelancer in management]. Diplomatic Council Publishing.
Becker, J., Schönfeld, H., & Singer, G. (Eds.). (2022). Karriere-Handbuch für Interim Manager – Ein systematischer Leitfaden zum Erfolg als Freelancer im Management (2nd ed.). Diplomatic Council Publishing.
Singer, G. (2022). Das richtige Skill-Set und wie Sie dieses erwerben [The right skill set and how to acquire it]. In J. Becker, H. Schönfeld, & G. Singer (Eds.), Karriere-Handbuch für Interim Manager: Ein systematischer Leitfaden zum Erfolg als Freelancer im Management [Career handbook for interim managers: A systematic guide to success as a freelancer in management]. Diplomatic Council Publishing.
Singer, G. (2022). Karrierestrategien für Interim Manager [Career strategies for interim managers]. In J. Becker, H. Schönfeld, & G. Singer (Eds.), Karriere-Handbuch für Interim Manager: Ein systematischer Leitfaden zum Erfolg als Freelancer im Management [Career handbook for interim managers: A systematic guide to success as a freelancer in management]. Diplomatic Council Publishing.