Following our yearly tradition, SBS Swiss Business School made an analysis of the profile of the CEO’s of the Top 20 SMI companies. The SMI is the Swiss Market Index which lists the top 20 public companies with the biggest blue chips in Switzerland.
The companies from last to this years changed a little bit, there are three new companies which belong to the SMI and three are three companies which are not anymore in the SMI.
This year are still all CEO’s male, like last year. Women are part of the Board of Management, but no single female was appointed as CEO.
The nationalities from the CEO’s are this year a bit different to last year; 25% are Swiss, which increased 10% from last year and 10% German, which decreased 10% from last year. There are still 25% of American CEO’s in the SMI companies.
In order to advance in their career, an MBA was a very helpful tool. Around 50% of the current CEO’s possess an MBA.
Women are more represented in SME’s (Small and Medium-sized Enterprises). It is also common to find in the SME segment female CEO’s.
The overall conclusion of our study says that it is worth to invest in your education in order to enhance your future career chances.