Does agrivoltaic have an impact on crop yields?

SBS Swiss Business School > CSCFS News > Sustainability > Does agrivoltaic have an impact on crop yields?

Agrivoltaics, the integration of solar panels with agriculture, offers a dual benefit of clean energy production and agricultural use, but its impact on crop yields has been uncertain. A comprehensive review of 54 global agrivoltaic operations by researchers from Bern University of Applied Sciences and Agroscope reveals varied results. While some crops like potatoes and sweet peppers thrive under solar panels, others like garlic and basil see yield reductions. The study, published in Renewable and Sustainable Energy Reviews, highlights the complex interplay of factors influencing agrivoltaic efficiency, including light exposure, heat stress, and crop type adaptability. Promising results for maize in South Korea and Japan suggest potential for staple crops under optimized conditions, though more research is needed for berries and fruits. Innovative solutions like Insolight’s clear solar panels, which adjust sunlight for plant needs, show promise for enhancing agrivoltaic system productivity.