What makes a certain country more attractive than the rest? It has been known worldwide that Switzerland has always been a bit different. Switzerland not only that has the best city (Zurich) for doing business in Europe but this year tops the overall ranking in the Global Competitiveness Report 2009-2010. According to this report, the reason Switzerland overtook the US was its relative economic stability.
In general, the Swiss are known for their humanitarian tradition – Switzerland is the birth place of the Red Cross Movement and hosts the United Nations Human Rights Council. This country lies at the crossroads of several major European cultures that have heavily influenced the country’s languages and culture.
Working and studying in a city like Zurich gives students a great opportunity to achieve success. It is a fact that in environment with a tough competition, knowledge and creation have always been a key to success. Many factors are involved when it comes to achieving success on a personal and a business level. Many successful business people have mentioned that key factors of their achievement are training, preparation, determination and innovation.
The MBA degree gives candidates the right platform from which to extend their business skills. An MBA program needs to have a framework based on these factors of success so students can achieve their own strategic goals. This works best when business school faculty has formal academic knowledge of management mixed with professional experience, in order to be able to explain the complexity of putting all this in practice.
An MBA is a life time experience. By working with high-level academics and other students, a person will be intellectually challenged. This situation gives an opportunity to be part of new business networks, which on its own is among the most valuable aspects of the MBA experience.
SBS Distance MBA Program has been ranked by the Financial Times under the top 40 Distance MBA Programs worldwide.