Have you ever been curious about the inner workings of Switzerland’s largest train station?
On February 21, students from the Career Advancement Program (CAP) embarked on an educational journey to delve into the operations of Zürich HB. This excursion was not only a chance to witness the bustling activity of a major transportation hub but also a valuable opportunity for CAP students to gain insight into different business sectors.
As part of their comprehensive learning experience, the students first viewed an informative video detailing the construction and rich history of the station. This set the stage for their behind-the-scenes exploration, where they observed firsthand how the station functions on a daily basis. From ticketing and scheduling to maintenance and logistics, they gained a deeper understanding of the intricate operations that keep Zürich HB running smoothly.
This visit was not just about trains; it was about understanding the complexities of managing a large-scale operation and the various business functions involved. By immersing themselves in the inner workings of Zürich HB, CAP students gained practical knowledge that will serve them well in their future careers across diverse industries.