Information Systems

Course ID
MIS 102
ECTS Credits

The idea behind this module is to explore the various ways in which information technology relates to organizational objectives and goals in an organizational context, given the increasing inter-relationship between these two in today’s global world.  Students will get a basic knowledge about information systems and their impact on business processes. This course examines the fundamental principles associated with the strategic adoption, implementation, use and evaluation of information systems in organizations. It discusses the significant managerial aspects of treating information as an organizational resource and its increasing impact on today’s organization. The course will involve lectures, readings, cases and discussions, and consists of two primary components: business informatics – the study of emerging technologies and knowledge management in the context of business organizations and development informatics. The course will examine the theoretical underpinnings of the competitive advantage of information systems, change management, information systems development process (the life cycle concept) as well as the practical and policy aspects of IS planning and IS strategies and ethical issues in information systems. Mastering the Microsoft Office Suite has become absolutely essential for anyone wishing to pursue a management career. Another focus is on the three main applications: MS Excel, MS Word, and MS PowerPoint, students will become knowledgeable with these three programs.

Learning Outcomes:

  • Analyze the business issues, processes, and techniques associated with organizational information systems
  • Assess and explain global issues surrounding the adoption of information technology
  • Explain basic concepts about information systems development, implementation and review
  • Write a technical report on findings from a case study on the use of information technology in business and society