We are proud to announce that SBS Swiss Business School has been ranked by the CEO Magazine as well in their 2012 Western Europe MBA and Global Executive MBA Rankings...Read More
The Online MBA of SBS Swiss Business School has been listed by the Financial Times. Please refer to the following links for the details: http://www.searchmba.com/Financial_Times_Online_MBA_Rankings_2011__d5820.htmlRead More
We are proud to announce that SBS Swiss Business School has been ranked by the CEO Magazine in their 2011 Global MBA Rankings as a tier one business school. >Download...Read More
The new edition of MBA Kompass 2010 was published and SBS was mentioned among the top business schools in Switzerland. MBA Kompass 2010 is a supplement of Handelszeitung and io new management.Read More
The newspaper Handelszeitung has published its yearly MBA Guide called MBA Kompass 2009. The guide gives an overview of the different MBA programs, the opinion of Swiss companies on the...Read More