The private equity market involves professionally managed equity investments in unregistered securities of private and public companies.
Professional management is provided by specialized intermediaries know as General Partners. These intermediaries typically acquire large ownership stakes in the companies they invest in and take an active role in monitoring and advising them.
This course explores the private equity industry, focusing on the whole lifecycle of an investment firm, from the creation of a General Partnership (GP) to fundraising, the creation of funds, portfolio management, performance reporting, and the definition of exit strategies.
The course is planned for professionals with a basic understanding of the private equity industry. Our approach serves anyone in the buy or sales side, whether representing a general partner, a fund manager, a family office running an active investment program, or an entrepreneur looking for options for new ventures. The program is designed to enhance the investment expertise and improve the student’s effectiveness at every stage of the fundraising, deal analysis and structuring, deal execution, and exit processes.
2,900 CHF*
21 – 23 October 2022
Alessandro Raschellà is a corporate finance and M&A professional. He started his career working for an international investment company with offices in Milan, London, and New York. He then moved to an Italian private equity investment fund where he performed several investments – mainly LBOs – an SME operating in the luxury industry. Mr. Raschellà moved back into the advisory industry supporting a leading private equity infrastructure investment fund in some buy-side mandates. He was then hired to support a well-known investment banker in setting up a new bank. After the start-up phase, where he provided invaluable contributions, Mr. Raschellà was appointed as Head of Corporate Investment Banking. After a change in the main shareholder, Mr. Raschellà started working independently advising investment funds, HNWI, and companies (both private and listed) all over Europe. In the last years, he has also served as a board member in several industrial and investment companies. Mr. Raschellà earned a Bachelor’s (business administration) and a Master’s of Science (general management with a major in corporate finance) at Università Commerciale Luigi Bocconi in Milan. During his studies, he also gained an international experience in the USA at the Red McCombs School of Business and in Canada at HEC Montreal. He also completed studies at ESCP Europe where he achieved an executive master’s in General Management in Turin and London. Mr. Raschellà is fluent in English, Italian, and French and has some knowledge of Russian and Spanish.
| Day 1 | Day 2 | Day 3 |
Morning Session 1 | What Private Equiters Really Do | Venture Capital | Exit Options |
Morning Session 2 | The Private Equity Landscape | Growth Capital | The Future of Private Equity |
| Break | Break | Closing Session |
Afternoon Session 1 | Fund Structures and Incentives | LBOs |
Afternoon Session 2 | How Private Equity Adds Value | Turnaround & Distressed |
Early Evening | Networking | Networking |
*Payment Policy
General Inquires
SBS Admissions Team
[email protected]
Flughafenstrasse 3
8302, Kloten-Zurich
Mon – Fri 08:30 – 18:00