Small Business Fields

Course ID
ENT 320
ECTS Credits

This course emphasizes the development of practical skills and knowledge to solve problems, make decisions, create personal meaning, and present findings beyond the scope of a single subject or discipline. This course focuses on the core skills and concepts required to manage a small business. Students will have the opportunity to design, produce and market a small business venture.


Learning Outcomes:

The intention is for the student to be able to:

  • Analyse the importance of small business in their own community and in the Swiss economy
  • Evaluate current business issues and trends and their effect on local business opportunities
  • Analyse entrepreneurial opportunities and the processes involved in creating an entrepreneurial venture
  • Assess the role that problem solving and creativity play in the success of an entrepreneurial venture
  • Describe the characteristics and skills needed to succeed in an entrepreneurial venture
  • Explain the relationship between effective financial management and profit
  • Demonstrate the use of appropriate communication techniques for business activity
  • Analyse the nature and importance of effective leadership in a small business environment
  • Analyse the mechanics and processes of group dynamics
  • Demonstrate an understanding of the laws and regulations that govern working conditions