This course will enable students to understand and recognize the causes and effects of globalization in international economy by providing a foundation of knowledge based on fundamental theories of economics, politics, monetary and financial systems, marketing, trade and resources.
Through the use of lectures, group discussions, in-class and homework assignments, presentations, case studies, and other learning tools and methods, the students will be able to develop a critical perspective of our inter-connected, modern, global economy and will learn skills and tools to assist in the development of solutions to aid in forecasting, problem-solving and successfully dealing with the ever-changing global economic environment.
Upon completion of this course, the student will be able to:
- Understand the who, where, what, why, when, and how of globalization.
- Understand and identify culture and its significance; Ethics and Corporate Social Responsibility
- Understand and identify political and legal issues and systems; Understand and explain types of economies and their functions and features; Measuring development
- Understand international trade and theories of advantage; Understand Foreign Direct Investment
- Describe motivation and influence on trade of government actions
- Define levels of economic integration and involvement around the world
- Discuss international capital, bond, equity and currency markets; Explain currency rates
- Describe exchange rate effects and forecasting methods
- Identify and explain international and corporate-, business-, and department-level strategies; Primary and secondary market research
- Explain export, import, countertrade, and financing means; International marketing strategies and branding
- Identify and understand production strategy elements and physical resource considerations; Understand International Human Resource Management functions